In Memory

We Give thanks to Thee for this Thy servant, recalling all in him that made others love him. We thank Thee for the good and gracious influence in his home and training, for all the goodness and truth that have passed from his life into the lives of others and have made the world richer for his presence.


Curtis W. Cole- Grand Post Chaplin Emeritus-  08/22/1936-01/16/2019- US Coast Guard, US Air Force- Korean Veteran, Vietnam Veteran

Linton Smith-Grand Post Rep- Mort Whitman Post No. 50  5/31/1947-1/17/2019 Us Army- Vietnam combat veteran

Dennis Turton- Past Commander General Grand Post 2012-2013 12/12/1947-1/25/2020 US Army- Vietnam combat veteran

George D. Emmons- Grand Post Chaplain General

Carl Hoyt- Past Commander General

Thomas Piper- Grand Post Chaplain General